User ID controlled by request parameter with password disclosure
This lab has user account page that contains the current user's existing password, prefilled in a masked input.
To solve the lab, retrieve the administrator's password, then use it to delete the user carlos
You can log in to your own account using the following credentials: wiener:peter
we can start login as wiener user
we obtain Wiener's API Key.
We can try to return to Home page, and check if there're referrement to Carlos like as posts.
Capturing HTTP response we discover that userId value was changed
Save it (Carlos userID): f26a0928-06ae-4b0d-be0a-ca03266160f0
Go back to My Account page and change the reference adding the new userID:
horizontal privilege escalation done!
Send the Carlos' API Key: NEvvgurN9IMYbP0WGQhRNxGCKLHuboPn
Last updated