Install & configure OWASP Mutillidae II
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Last updated
If you have a LAMP stack set up already, you can skip directly to installing Mutillidae. Check out our comprehensive installation guide for detailed instructions. Watch the video tutorial: How to Install Mutillidae on LAMP Stack
If you haven't it, install Docker on your machine (debian/kali): How to Install Docker on Ubuntu
And build the docker file
The web application should be running at localhost, then we ca go there via browser
Note: The first time the webpage is accessed, a warning webpage will be displayed referencing the database cannot be found. This is the expected behaviour. Just use the link to "rebuild" the database and it will start working normally.
Click here to attempt to setup the database. Sometimes this works.
Be sure the username and password to MySQL is the same as configured in includes/
Be aware that MySQL disables password authentication for root user upon installation or update in some systems. This may happen even for a minor update. Please check the username and password to MySQL is the same as configured in includes/
A video is available to help reset MySQL root password
Check the error message below for more hints
If you think this message is a false-positive, you can opt-out of these warnings below
Alternatively, you can trigger the database build.
The LDAP database is empty upon build. Add users to the LDAP database using the following command.
You can test if the web site is responsive
Once the containers are running, the following services are available on localhost.
Port 80, 8080: Mutillidae HTTP web interface
Port 81: MySQL Admin HTTP web interface
Port 82: LDAP Admin web interface
Port 443: HTTPS web interface
Port 389: LDAP interface