๐ŸฆˆWireshark or Tcpdump

https://www.kali.org/tools/wireshark/ https://www.kali.org/tools/tcpdump/


wireshark -i eth1

# Filter by ip
ip.add ==

# Filter by dest ip
ip.dest ==

# Filter by source ip
ip.src ==

# Filter by tcp port
tcp.port == 25

# Filter by ip addr and port
ip.addr == and tcp.port == 8080

# Filter SYN flag
tcp.flags.syn == 1 and tcp.flags.ack ==0

# Broadcast filter
eth.dst == ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff

Filters CheatSheet


tshark -D
tshark -i eth1
tshark -r <FILE>.pcap
tshark -r <FILE>.pcap | wc -l

# First 100 packets
tshark -r <FILE>.pcap -c 100

# Protocl hierarchy statistics
tshark -r <FILE>.pcap -z io,phs -q

# HTTP traffic
tshark -r <FILE>.pcap -Y 'http' | more
tshark -r <FILE>.pcap -Y "ip.src==<SOURCE_IP> && ip.dst==<DEST_IP>"

# Only GET requests
tshark -r <FILE>.pcap -Y "http.request.method==GET"

# Packets with frame time, source IP and URL for all GET requests
tshark -r <FILE>.pcap -Y "http.request.method==GET" -Tfields -e frame.time -e ip.src -e http.request.full_uri

# Packets with a string
tshark -r <FILE>.pcap -Y "http contains password"

# Check destination IP
tshark -r <FILE>.pcap -Y "http.request.method==GET && http.host==<TARGET_URL>" -Tfields -e ip.dst

# Check session ID
tshark -r <FILE>.pcap -Y "ip contains amazon.in && ip.src==<IP>" -Tfields -e ip.src -e http.cookie

# Check OS/User Agent type
tshark -r <FILE>.pcap -Y "ip.src==<IP> && http" -Tfields -e http.user_agent

# WiFi traffic filter
tshark -r <FILE>.pcap -Y "wlan"

# Only deauthentication packets 
tshark -r <FILE>.pcap -Y "wlan.fc.type_subtype==0x000c"
# and devices
tshark -r <FILE>.pcap -Y "wlan.fc.type_subtype==0x000c" -Tfields -e wlan.ra

# Only WPA handshake packets
tshark -r <FILE>.pcap -Y "eapol"

tshark -r <FILE>.pcap -Y "wlan.fc.type_subtype==8" -Tfields -e wlan.ssid -e wlan.bssid

tshark -r <FILE>.pcap -Y "wlan.ssid==<SSID>" -Tfields -e wlan.bssid

# WiFi Channel
tshark -r <FILE>.pcap -Y "wlan.ssid==<SSID>" -Tfields -e wlan_radio.channel

# Vendor & model
tshark -r <FILE>.pcap -Y "wlan.ta==<DEVICE_MAC> && http" -Tfields -e http.user_agent
# ARP POISONING - arpspoof

## Forward IP packets
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
# arpspoof -i <interface> -t <target> -r <host>
arpspoof -i eth1 -t <TARGET_IP> -r <HOST_IP>

Others Notes

#To find DOS (SYN and ACK)
tcp.flags.syn == 1  , tcp.flags.syn == 1 and tcp.flags.ack == 0

#To find passwords
http.request.method == POST

#More reference

#To find DOS: look for Red and Black packets with around 1-2 simple packets in between and then pick any packet and check the Source and Destination IP with port(As per question)
#To find DOS (SYN and ACK) : tcp.flags.syn == 1  , tcp.flags.syn == 1 and tcp.flags.ack == 0
#To find passwords : http.request.method == POST

Password sniffing using Wireshark


  • Stop capture

  • File-&gt;Save as

  • Filter: http.request.method==POST

  • RDP log in Target

  • service

  • start Remote Packet Capture Protocol v.0 (experimental)

  • Log off Target

  • Wireshark-&gt;Capture options-&gt;Manage Interface-&gt;Remote Interfaces

  • Add a remote host and its interface

  • Fill info

Additional Resources


Last updated