3 - Scanning Networks
Module 03 - Scanning Networks
Perform Host Discovery
Netdiscover is a tool used to inspect your network ARP traffic, or find network addresses using auto scan mode, which will scan for common local networks.
netdiscover -i eth0
netdiscover -i eth0 -P -r
-i : network interface (eth0)
-P : Show results
-r : Range (
Scanning entire Network
nmap -Pn -sS -A -vv <Target_IP>/<Subnet> -oA <Filename>
-Pn: Disable ping
-sS: SYN scan
-A: Aggressive Scan
-oA: Normal_XML and Grepable format all at once
-vv: Verbose
nmap -sn -PR <Target IP>
-sn: Disable port scan
-PR: ARP ping scan
nmap -sn -PU <Target IP>
-PU: UDP ping scan
nmap -sn -PE <Target IP or IP Range>
-PE: ICMP ECHO ping scan
nmap -sn -PP <Target IP>
-PP: ICMP timestamp ping scan
nmap -sn -PM <Target IP>
-PM: ICMP address mask ping scan
nmap -sn -PS <Target IP>
-PS: TCP SYN Ping scan
nmap -sn -PA <Target IP>
-PA: TCP ACK Ping scan
nmap -sn -PO <Target IP>
-PO: IP Protocol Ping scan
Convert Nmap XML file to HTML Report
xsltproc <nmap-output.xml> -o <nmap-output.html>
Angry IP Scanner
Perform Port and Service Discovery
Ports are used to identify a single network process, to make sure the transport layer know what the destination process is.
pair identifies a process on a network. For example:
1024 well-known ports are used for the most common services: 0-1023. They are assigned by IANA in this registry.
is a program that runs a service. Its configuration can be changed, so the service listening port can be changed in order to make recognition harder.Server-Client applications know which port to use because the TCP/UDP header contains two fields for the source/destination ports.
Common ports
๐ป Check listening ports and TCP connections on a host with the commands below:
TCPView tool from Microsoft Sysinternals shows detailed listings of all TCP and UDP connections.
nmap -sT -v <Target IP>
-sT: TCP connect/full open scan
-v: Verbose output
nmap -sS -v <Target IP>
-sS: Stealth scan/TCP hall-open scan
nmap -sX -v <Target IP>
-sX: Xmax scan
nmap -sM -v <Target IP>
-sM: TCP Maimon scan
nmap -sA -v <Target IP>
-sA: ACK flag probe scan
nmap -sU -v <Target IP>
-sU: UDP scan
nmap -sI -v <Target IP>
-sI: IDLE/IPID Header scan
nmap -sY -v <Target IP>
nmap -sZ -v <Target IP>
nmap -sV -v <Target IP>
-sV: Detect service versions
nmap -A -v <Target IP>
-A: Aggressive scan
Other Nmap useful flags
-sN: null scan
-sC: enable script scanning
-T: enable timing options
-o: output options
-O: enable OS detection
--script: specifies a script
-f: fragment packets
-g or --source-port: source port manipulation
-mtu: Maximum Transmission Unit
-p: port(s) to scan
-D: decoy scan
-D RND: generates random & non-reserved IPs
-d: increase debugging level
hping3 --scan 1-3000 -S
--scan parameter defines the port range to scan and โS represents SYN flag.
Pinging the target using HPing3:
hping3 -c 3
-c 3 means that we only want to send three packets to the target machine.
UDP Packet Crafting
hping3 --udp --rand-source --data 500
TCP SYN request
hping3 -S -p 80 -c 5
-S will perform TCP SYN request on the target machine, -p will pass the traffic through which port is assigned, and -c is the count of the packets sent to the Target machine.
HPing flood
hping3 --flood
Perform OS Discovery
Identify the target system's OS with Time-to-Live and TCP Win size using Wireshark
Basically ping a machine from different operating systems and capture the packets from wireshark. we can check the ICMP packets, viewing the details of IPV4 packets and check the TTL [ time to live] values.
Open Wireshark and start capture
Ping a target machine
Stop capture
Filter protocol ICMP
Check TTL value in the Network Layer (3) details.
OS Discovery using Nmap Script Engine (NSE)
nmap -A -v <Target IP>
-A: Aggressive scan
nmap -O -v <Target IP>
-O: OS discovery
nmap โscript smb-os-discovery.nse <Target IP>
-โscript: Specify the customized script
smb-os-discovery.nse: Determine the OS, computer name, domain, workgroup, and current time over the SMB protocol (Port 445 or 139)
Perform Network Scanning using Various Scanning Tools
Scanning SMB Version for OS Detection using Metaspolit
Additional Resources
Web Scanners
YT videos
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K78YOmbuT48 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SS991k5Alp0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MtyhOrBfG-E https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQ4TtFdaiRA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BTGP5sZfJKY
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