
Windows Exploitation

HFS (HTTP File Server)

A HFS (HTTP File Server) is a file and documents sharing web server.

  • Rejetto HFS - free open source HTTP file server

🔬 HFS - MSF Exploit

SMB - MS17-010 EternalBlue

  • EternalBlue VA

    • EternalBlue takes advantage of a Windows SMBv1 protocol vulnerability

    • Patch was released in March 2017

🔬 Check the Lab 2 - Eternal Blue here

  • Some MSF useful commands from my Home Lab (Kali VM + Win 2008_R2 Server)

service postgresql start && msfconsole -qdb_statussetg RHOSTS RHOST -a EternalBlue​db_nmap -sS -sV -O type:auxiliary EternalBlueuse auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_ms17_010optionsrun​search type:exploit EternalBlueuse exploit/windows/smb/ms17_010_eternalblueoptionsrun


  • Identify WinRM users with MSF and exploit WinRM by obtaining access credentials.

  • Default WinRM HTTP port is 5985 and HTTPS 5986

🔬 WinRM Attack lab

Apache Tomcat

Apache Tomcat is a free open source Java servlet web server, build to host dynamic websites and web apps developed in Java.

  • Tomcat default TCP port is 8080

  • Apache web server host HTML/PHP web apps, instead

  • Apache Tomcat < v.8.5.23 is vulnerable to a JSP Upload Bypass / RCE

🔬 Tomcat - MSF Exploit

Linux Exploitation


vsftpd is an Unix FTP server.

  • vsftpd v.2.3.4 is vulnerable to a command execution vulnerability

🔬 FTP - MSF Exploit


Samba is the Linux implementation of SMB.

  • Samaba v.3.5.0 is vulnerable to a RCE vulnerability

🔬 Samba - MSF Exploit


libssh is a C library that implements the SSHv2 protocol

  • SSH default TCP port is 22

  • libssh v.0.6.0 - 0.8.0 is vulnerable to an authentication bypass vulnerability

🔬 SSH - MSF Exploit


Haraka is an open source high performance SMTP server developed in Node.js

  • SMTP default TCP port is 25

    • other TCP ports are 465 and 587

  • Haraka prior to v.2.8.9 is vulnerable to command injection

🔬 SMTP - MSF Exploit

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