
Armitage - MSF GUI

🗒️ Armitage is a graphical user interface (GUI) for the Metasploit Framework, a widely used penetration testing and ethical hacking tool. Armitage provides a user-friendly interface for interacting with Metasploit's powerful features, making it easier for cybersecurity professionals to perform tasks related to network penetration testing, vulnerability assessment, and exploit development.

Some key features of Armitage include:

  1. Visual Interface: Armitage offers a visual representation of network targets and their vulnerabilities, making it easier for users to understand and manage their testing environment.

  2. Automated Exploitation: It simplifies the process of finding and exploiting vulnerabilities in target systems by providing automated tools and workflows.

  3. Session Management: Armitage allows users to manage active sessions and connections to compromised systems, which is crucial for post-exploitation tasks.

  4. Reporting: Users can generate reports detailing their penetration testing activities and findings.

🔬 Port Scanning & Enumeration With Armitage - lab by INE

  • Victim Machine 1:

  • Victim Machine 2:

service postgresql start && msfconsole -qdb_status
[*] Connected to msf. Connection type: postgresql. 
# Open a new tab and start Armitagearmitage
# Answer "YES" for the RPC serverArmitage
  • Hosts - Add Hosts

    • Add victim 1 IP

    • Set the lab as Victim 1

  • Right-click the target and Scan it

  • Check Services

  • Perform an Nmap Scan from the Hosts menu

  • Check Services


  • Search for rejetto and launch the exploit module

  • Try Dump Hashes via the registry method

Metasploit - post/windows/gather/smart_hashdump

  • Saved hashes can be found under the View - Loot menu


  • Browse Files

  • Show Processes


  • Setup Pivoting

  • Add, Enumerate and Exploit Victim 2

  • Port forward the port 80 and use nmap

# In the Meterpreter tabportfwd add -l 1234 -p 80 -r In the msf Console tabdb_nmap -sV -p 1234 localhost

  • Remove the created localhost

  • Search for BadBlue and use the badblue_passthru exploit on Victim 2

  • Migrate to an x64 from the Processes tab

  • Dump hashes with the lsass method

Armitage Kali Linux Install

sudo apt install armitage -ysudo msfdb initsudo nano /etc/postgresql/15/main/pg_hba.conf# On line 87 switch “scram-sha-256” to “trust”sudo systemctl enable postgresqlsudo systemctl restart postgresqlsudo armitage

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